Act 2, Chapter 7: Executor of the Estate
Read Starlight Over Detrot with me.
The story is about.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Act 2, Chapter 7: Executor of the Estate
Chapter 29: Published August 30th 2013 was on a Friday and was in week 35 of 2013.
As of this writing it was 2815 days ago
There was no MLP airing on May 15th.A certain Dr. Hooves is attributed with the saying that a pony is the sum of his or her memories
I keep procrastinating... I'm going to just make this come out really REALLY late. Cause crap... I'm trying not to be sick.
I would like to just give Blogger a HUGE shout out for making things SUPER easy to unpublish!@
Also want to give a shot out to Alan who commented on one of my videos making me feel like I'm doing something worth while.
A certain Dr. Hooves is attributed with the saying that a pony is the sum of his or her memories
This quote is pissing me off because I'm Very sure it got said before Assassins creed or Doctor Who... :/ but I can't find it. Twitter! HELP!
So the Don ask Hardy to hold on to his will... Hardy DIED... and he wants Hardy to hold his will... MLP logic right?
It is a dangerous world, and even moreso for those who would send their children into it. I chose not to send them unarmed.”
... I really like this mindset! I kinda did the same thing when I made sure my kids knew how to accurately shoot different types of guns. No I am not giving them a gun, but they "know which end makes the death noise" if they ever want to get one when they turn 18 ... *blink* One turns 18 in less than 4 months
“Let’s go home. I think we have a big day ahead of us and I need some sleep.”
Ah Hardy, you can sleep when your dead...
oh wait...
To soon?
What it does mean is we’re going to get one of the most incredible and rare celestial events in Equestrian history; a full, day-long solar eclipse!
Summer Sun Celebration there is going to be a solar eclipse... This is super important later!
Our call sign is Cupcake Alicorn Rodeo Picklebarrel
I read that out loud... like its in the video...
“I hope you die, Hardy.”
“Been there, done that.”
So Hardy see's Juni in the mirror and you have to wonder... Is this real?
Even taking in our ragamuffin appearance, his avocado colored face didn’t so much as twitch.
That's pretty impressive actually
"cooperation face" *snort* I needed a minute to read that bit.
OMG more stuff I want art of!
At least we were just going to a museum. Nothing exciting there.
*face hoof* Hardy... don't say stuff like that!
.... I thought that Hardy dealt with the protestors for some reason because I'm pretty sure that one of them is a REALLY important character.
bad memory, be more reliable!
I love that Limi knew another way in from an alley, and let Hardy walk into "fierce eyed griffin" about to stab Hardy.
Reminds me of that time after boot when I was taking care of a building and they left a really real looking dummy face down holding a door open. Made me laugh, and the kids I brought over to it, one screamed, another feinted, don't remember anybody else's reactions. I would like to point out that I was the only girl on that team.
Oh hey look, the chapter ended. Lets have a peek at the comments, 36
There cannot be a debtless world. You will always owe me, and I will always owe you...
Why do I feel like Tome is also setting up so that Limerence and Hardy owe each other as well?
Our call sign is Cupcake Alicorn Rodeo Picklebarrel.
CARP? Shouldn't it be Cupcake Rodeo Alicorn Picklebarrel?
Cooperation Face is best face.
Indeed. I had this barmy extra scene in my mind, reminiscent of "Human Sacrifice" in Fight Club, where Hardy, Taxi, and Swift all come back to the Cafe De Farasi at night and drag the barista out to the back lot:
Hardy: Lay down! Hooves on the back of your withers. Give me your wallet. Glow Sprite, 28 Sunrise Meadow Overlook, Flat B. Let me guess. Small studio flat under Skytown, overlooking asphalt and concrete, shaded by the Air Chariot Port?
Glow: H-h-how did you know?
Hardy: Because any place with a name that pretentious in your budget range is a boldfaced lie, overlooking neither meadow nor sunrise. Glow, you are going to die. My partner here with the scary dentition is going to cut out your liver and serve it with some fava beans and a nice Chianti–
Swift: Riesling sir.
Hardy: ... What?
Swift: Riesling. I prefer a peach Riesling. Chianti is too bitter for my tastes sir.
Hardy: Fine. My partner will cut out your liver and eat it with a nice Riesling. Maybe slice it into thin strips and fry it up with some flour and buttermilk. Some sautéed red onions... Swift, please close your mouth. You are starting to drool.
Glow: P-p-please. Please, I do not want to die!
Hardy: Is that your mum and dad Glow? Your marefriend? They are going to have to use the hoof-prints on your cutie-mark certificate in order to identify what is left of you. Want to know why? When my partner here is done with her dinner, I am going to saw off your legs and give them to a friend to use on his new scrimshaw end-table. The rest of you we will stuff into a feral cloud and send you off over the Everfree, never to be found again.
Glow: N-nooo. Please!
Hardy: Hmm... An expired student ID to The Great and Powerful Magic and Entertainment Academic Centre. What did you study Glow?
Glow: S-s-stuff.
Hardy: Stuff? Stuff?! Were the entrance exams hard? Did you flunk so badly you got sent back to the Great and Powerful Entertainment Kindergarten? I asked you a question Glow! What did you study?
Glow: Illusions and stagecraft mostly.
Hardy: Why?
Glow: I-I-I do not know.
Hardy: What did you want to be, Glow Sprite? The question, Glow! Was "What did you want to be"?!
Taxi: Luna's mane, Glow! Answer him!
Glow: M-magician! I wanted to be a magician!
Hardy: Magic.
Glow: Yeah, magic and s-s-stuff.
Hardy: And stuff, I got that. That means you have to get more schooling.
Glow: Too much school.
Hardy: Would you rather be dead? Would you rather die? Here on your knees and wind up as a sectional end-table and and warm hors d'oeuvres for my partner?
Glow: No, please no!
Hardy: I am keeping your ID card. I am going to check in on you. I know where you live. If you are not on your way to becoming a magician in six weeks, we are going to have a cookout. Now run on home. Run Applejack! Run!
Taxi: Celestia banish it! Have you bucking spit your bit?! What the name of Celestia's massive mammaries was that all about Hardy? I feel ill.
Hardy: Imagine how Glow Sprite feels.
Swift: I agree with Taxi sir. This is all highly irregular.
Hardy: Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Glow Sprite's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted. Besides, everygriffon knows you use a dark red Merlot for game meat.
Taxi: ...
Swift: Mmmmmm....
Hardy: Officer Cuddles, those notes you are taking better not be recipe ideas.
Swift: Sorry sir.
So on the off chance Limerance meant anything in itself:
"Limerence is an involuntary state of mind which results from a romantic attraction to another person combined with an overwhelming, obsessive need to have one's feelings reciprocated."
Oh boy, you guys got evil plans for this one. Yeah he's a bit of a jerk, but I can understand why he wouldn't want to be involved with 3 strangers he knows nothing about. I get the impression he's very much set in his ways and doesn't like his schedule messed up. Poor bastard doesn't know what's coming for him hanging about with Hardy only ever results in shooty death and death threats from sweets.
I couldn't find anything for Zefu other than some medicinal drug, but rearrange the letters and you get "Fuze"...
Or possibly fez...u.
So exploding hats galore!
I dunno.
“I need you to run a record check with the PACT. Keep it quiet, if you can. Check into a pony named ‘Grapeshot.' I want his recent records and training history.”
Good boy Hardy, i'm curious about this fella too.
There’s an empty plaque there beside it that says ‘Hard Boiled’s Head.' I don’t even know where you get a plaque like that!”
You still got that crazy humour going.
I'm curious what Juniper meant by Hardy not being smart enough to figure out what's going on? What's the point of having some other worldly fella if he's just going to leave ambiguous hints about not being good enough? No wonder Hardy slammed that mirror with his hoof.
“Once a week, every Monday. Monday, moon-day, you know?” Taxi replied, carefully buckling her saddlebag against possible pickpockets roving the dense crowds. “They sing songs of praise to Princess Luna for about an hour, then on with the shouting for the next six.”
“Far as I can tell? Anything having to do with ponies remembering Nightmare Moon. They’ve got some idea that the whole thing was a power-grab conspiracy by Princess Celestia,” I explained, shouldering my way between two deeply oblivious ponies standing on the curbside, watching the proceedings.
Just another manic monday ooohhoohhh
The little announcement by Gypsy is a fairly obvious foreshadowing for events, literally telling us of shadows to come. Can't wait for the big ho-down.
Also mention of a weapon powered by moonlight, coincidence? I think not.
Fun chapter full of all the bells and whistles I like to see.
Damn, I was hoping with the unmentionables, the DVD wouldn't sound so bad. Things get boring on a stake out you know.
Great chapter as always. It's easy to make an annoying character, but you guys really worked on making Lim extra super duper annoying. Great job! Honestly, I hope Lim gets the job. He seems like the kind to get saddle sore over something like that. Would not bode well for Detrot if somepony with the inner workings of the criminal underworld decided to throw a temper tantrum. Or maybe he wouldn't because of how annoyingly analytical he is. Either way it wouldn't be pretty.
Err, ok. I was just thinking that if Twilight is an alicorn, and we stick with a basic assumption that alicorns are either immortal, or live much longer than the average pony, then logically speaking Twilight should still be around somewhere. A huge cache of past Equestrian technology/alchemy/artifacts would of significant interest to her I would think
Puzzle Reader Well, duh. It's a museum. Thank you SO MUCH for maintaining the TV Tropes page. That really does bring us in fresh viewers!
meerkat8472 I wish I had an artist for a Starlight Over Detrot tumblr, but Mech is already doing Ask The Slaves. Sad kitty.
Fortunately, Twilight making Alicorn Princess changed just about jack-all for us. I don't think, thus far, that we're even out of line with any of the Season 3 Canon.
--CEO Kasen
Jolot Awww, I wanted the Equestria Girls DVD so I'd have something to shoot at while practicing my snipering. Oh well, at least I get my tank of squid.
About the chapter. I thought it was a bit disappointing that nothing happened between Taxi and Zefu, but oh well. Swift was amazing as always. Swift as a comic book character? SOMEONE MAKE A SWIFT COMIC, PLEEEASE!!!
Poor Detective Hardy just can't catch a break. :( Of course, that assumes he actually wants to, a matter where in uncertainly prevails. Kinda hoping for a Taxi-Zefu ship. It'd be amusing at the least.
I love this story so much.
Limerence is an a-hole.
Same here. Yeah, he's a bit of a royal pain in the rear. I have to wonder why though and whether it's put on as a handy replacement for the proper social graces. That is, is it an out? Be an ass and people will mostly leave you alone? One has to suspect that were Twilight still around ( I seem to recall this being pre-Season 3), they could really have a fun time talking.
This isn't pre-season 3, this takes place 60 years after the first episode of the show.
By that I meant that I am unsure if the events of Season 3 are considered canon for this, not that the story falls before it chronologically. Which is to say, I don't recall it being mentioned whether she became a Alicorn and/or Princess in this story line.
Ok. I don't think she has been mentioned at all, really.
Whew finally got all that quagmire of a communications nightmare between the different departments straightened out. what's this? a requisitions form from Meerkat and NaiKujibo. "looks over form" sniper ammo, C-4, some chemicals, a few other standard items for their assignment, "nods head" Equestria Girls DVD... yeah no. Pony swag comes out of one's own pocket. No exceptions. let's see what else? yeah i don't even want to read that out loud. " skims down the list" What's this last item? a fish tank full of squid? uh yeah so um i guess i'll sign off on all this but the DVD. "shakes head vigorously" Ok i need to get that out of my head. What's on the schedule? ooh new chapter! Paperwork can wait. "reads chapter"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. oh my gosh i needed that. that smile. oh my Celestia that ‘cooperation face'. and the red jam in her teeth to sell it even more. i can't breath. "calms down" Alright what's next. "continues reading" Yeah Limerence is an asshole. and to that i say well done. it shows he wasn't acting like that just because he's always like that. he was truely trying to piss them off so they wouldn't want to work with him. Although he did piss me off when he broke rule one of the Consortium : Never refer to Swift as simply Cuddles or Officer Cuddles.
anyways back to the chapter. "continues reading" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OH MY Sides. Can't take much more laughing. Poor Taxi i can relate to the road rage. my "cover job" is a pizza delivery guy and i feel for you. nothing worse that a bunch of people causing a commotion that makes all the other drivers become rubberneckers. i got to remember that insult next time i get cut off. it'll remind me of this chapter and make me smile instead of wanting to cram someone into their own tailpipe (Interpret that last statement how you like and no matter what you envision i have probably thought of doing to someone when in the grips of the road rage)
as for the chapter as a whole, all i can say is the foreshadowing is strong in this one. while the picture isn't clear now things talked about in this chapter are giving me more details as to when the forces behind all the crazy might make their big move. that and the Loonies are involved in this somehow. don't know how but i just have a feeling they are.
Now then off to TF2 to get vent some of my own frustrations. seriously what could those two possibly want with 10 gallons of nacho cheese and Coolwhip? on second thought nevermind i'll probably find out on their next report anyways.
I must give you two my congratulations, you keep finding new and interesting ways to produce cliffhangers involving Hardy and imminent unpleasantness.
- 1146 European leaders outlaw crossbow, intending to end war for all time
Act 2, Chapter 7: Executor of the Estate
Back in Aug of COVID I finally agreed to read the other fan fic that my boyfriend was trying to get me to check out. I mean, this is the gu...
Chapter 14: Published January 21st 2013 was on a Monday and was in week 04 of 2013. As of this writing it was 3,003 days ago FiM Season 9, ...