As of this writing it was 2875 days ago
No MLP FiM would publish on any April 23.
2006 April 23rd, Easter was celebrated.
Hardy is on a stakeout with Juniper and Gale (Real Cosmo asked Hardy to give him a new name) is in the backseat. Juniper says that Gale is dead, but doesn't mention that Hardy and Juniper is. Though both of of them know what's going to happen on tonight's stakeout.
Oh Gale like storm... not Gale like
Chessie Now if you wanted to rewared Gale with an OC appearance that would by cool... *Wink* *Wink* *Nudge Nudge* /beg
or maybe both...
Hey can you die from a wedgie? A man who killed his stepfather after giving him an "atomic wedgie" has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. Oh, I guess so.
“Well, the truth is that there are things moving. Various motions in the aether are upsetting some very large tea-cups. The cosmic flows need a plumber.”
My partner breathed on the window, then wrote the words ‘Ever Free’ in the mist before wiping them out.
Out the windows I could see four lights at the horizon, gathering speed as they careened towards one another.
Just some things I wanted to point out to make sure you read. Not going to comment on them though.
Hardy woke up in the Morgue... in one of the "lockers"
Organ Donor Status: Affirmative. Liver is probably shot, but might offer to donate kidneys to local orphanage. [Recommend donation delivery not be done via party cannon this time? Please? I'm not sure they got the message of goodwill when we anonymously donated all that blood at their second-story windows. -Thal]
Best Probable Use: Animatronic Taxidermy. Spring mechanically animated corpse on Chief Jade when she comes around next. Expression on her face calculated 97.6% likely to be worth subsequent spirited attempt to destroy me.
Awww Thal found him alive and had the cutest reaction... Sadly everybody is asleep and I cannot attempt it. HAHAHAHAHAHA Stitch calls funerals parties... Well... cant have funeral without "fun" right?
Oh, Gale's heart is a changeling's heart.
It’s been three weeks, two days since Hardy died. Lets see something. It is 22 days between this post and the last one... three weeks and two days is 23 days... Hey Chessie... wanna update this?
Taxi left a touching note for Hardy, saying that they both owe someone a favor. Swift, Swift has been missing since Hardy got shot.
Hey Hardy, maybe just maybe, you should have listened to what Telly was trying to tell you about your [something you stupidly cut off]
Love boat... Hmmm. I wonder what that is.
An instant later the door was thrown wide and a cerulean blue demon launched itself at my throat. I yelped and tumbled onto my back as a feminine form tried to strangle me. The mare deftly avoided my defensive hoof-strikes, which might have looked to the untrained eye like helpless flailing.
That thing that both Queenie and Telly were trying to tell Hardy? His apartment got burned down.
Apartment gone. Job probably gone. Partner vanished. Mystery unsolved. Possessed bug heart running on batteries.
They’d killed me. They’d taken my job. They’d taken my home. They’d taken the entire life I’d scrimped and clawed and wept to construct, that I might fulfill my purpose within the corrupted, befouled system of bought influence and criminality running my city. The faceless sons of bitches had burned it to the ground.
Whoever killed that girl, killed me, and killed Cosmo had better watch out.
I’m free, you bastards. I’m free and I’m coming.
Oh hey look, the chapter ended. Lets have a peek at the comments, 72
however, due to her role in the Cutie Mark Crusades, many draconic spiritual scholars now believe that Princess Luna herself is the physical incarnation of Death. The Princess has, notably, neither confirmed nor denied this in any public statement.
Luna knows how to keep up a reputation.
“Oh, yeah.” He nodded, jerking his head towards the rear. “It’s Jingle Jangle’s brother. Don’t worry. He’s dead. He likes you, though.”
Ah yes, the heart. So, let’s see how much of this is A) actual afterlife B) delirium or C) Luna screwing around.
And more!
*checks chapter publish date*
You read the Dresden Files? Cause I'm definitly getting a Ghost Stories vibe here, more so than any other ressurection story I can think of. Also, Taxi and Hardy seem to have a very similar relationship to Dresden and Murphy.
psychosis You know, you're not the first one to mention this? I've never actually read Ghost Stories. I might have to. I read Stormfront (the first book), but that's it.
-Signing Coroner, Slip Maledictus Efribus Consumarcio Obsessi Stitch, PhD, MD, ADHD.
No bloody sh*t.
Not sure if you're saying Duracell would win because better mascot or if he would replace the bunny.
I would imagine he would go with Duracell as their answer to Energizer's cute and fluffy spokes-animal bunny mascot. Over "here" where I live, Duracell is always running commercials banging on about how their batteries are the #1 choice for life saving bits and gubbins used by EMTs, firemen, and police.
I would imagine they would jump at the opportunity to brag how their batteries are keeping Gale active and Hardy alive. As for the fluffy, cute, and cuddly bit... Hardy could get halfway there if he lets his coat grow out all long and shaggy and let Scarlett style it all nice and pretty, but Marketing could probably pick a better choice than a cynical, hard-drinking middle aged stallion with a voice like Lemmy Kilmister
I SAW THIS COMMING! I however suspect swifty dabbed a strip of white cloth in Hardys' blood tied it around her head and when asked why muttered "Die for something or live for nothing" and then flew off screaming for blood and flesh like a griffon determined as hell to LITERALLY EAT THE STILL BEATING HEART. Of who ever shot out hardys'. Little girl already showed a taste for flesh. I mean she said leather tasted sweet, and has a pocket of jerky! Also an ability to draw on a literal insane bloodlust when confronted but the superlatively insane like Queenies' shell.
Why do I see a blood splattered little swift in pockmarked armor blood smeared across her lips as she stands amidst a pile of bodies holding her gun to the head of the last one alive. Before pulling the bit-trigger and pasting them across the wall aswell even AFTER getting the info she was after....
Swift got TAKEN!
I am at work.
And I just jumped up in the middle of a lobby full of college students and shouted "OSSU!"
... I blame you if I lose my job.
Act 2, Chapter 1: "Wake Up, Detective" - i dont think there is anything to it. But i cant help but read it in the voice of the one police phone lady from L.A. Noir
One thing more dangerous then a guy thats gunning for you, is a guy that gunning for you that has nothing to lose.
“H-Hardy...y-your apartment’s gone.”
I almost sprained my neck yanking my head up. “What?!”
“They burned it, Hardy! Somepony gutted your building!”
Yes! Iv been waiting, what? 3 chapters for that?
I can see Slip Stitch, his hair gone all flat and Pinkamena-like, sombrely intoning to Thalassemia:
Hard Boiled, detective.
A stallion barely alive dead.
Gentlehamsters, we can resurrect him.
We have the spells.
We have the necromancy to reanimate Equestria's first revenant stallion.
Hard Boiled will be that pony.
Better than he was before.
Better, stronger, faster.
There's more! Siggy writes the bestest comments!
And so the plot thickens... Holy crap. This is one of the better stories I've read. Not having read much of this genre before though, I really didn't know what to expect. But I like how it has developed so far. This story really has ""
Hot damn...that's one hell of a way to return to the land of the living. No less the fact he's done just that in the first place.
Best Probable Use: Animatronic Taxidermy. Spring mechanically animated corpse on Chief Jade when she comes around next. Expression on her face calculated 97.6% likely to be worth subsequent spirited attempt to destroy me.
Oh god. Oh god oh god I would've loved to see this happen.
Huzzah I came back from vacation today to see that your back too! Brilliant Chapter, I was on the edge of my seat to learn how everything would turn out. I guess somepony had a change of heart hmm? HAHA! anyone? Just me? Dang I worked on that pun for two weeks had flow charts and everything.
Act 2 is going to be exciting. Who killed Ruby Blue? Crazy Lunar-tic Cultists? Seedy underground gangs? The Marexican Mafia? My bit this time is on the communists cause you know...communism.
Whispering Gale Communism is just a red herring. (Though I bet no one's going to get that movie reference ... )
I’m free and I’m coming.
But he's not even breathing hard.
whitepone SQUEEE! I saw this art and I Unbelievable! You really caught the characters beautifully. I'm... yeah, that's SO going on our EQD page!
Not to mention our blog on the side, if you don't mind!
--CEO Kasen
Broken link or I'd share it
Funny how creepiest coroner can be a totally nice guy on occasion. Nice of him to not saw off the poor Detective's legs to prop up a table. Chapter is as crazy as usual, keep up the good work.
Nice of him to give Thal possibility of denial too
StormyVenture Stitch is merely pragmatic. It's just the Ed Gein school of pragmatism.
When the world gives you lemons, make lemonade.
When the world gives you corpses, make tea cozies, lampshades, and furniture.
It's NOT!
Well I was expecting either a new character or an alternative viewpoint from Taxi/Swift. I did not expect you to pull Hardy into some freaky Zebra magic rune stuff. I've always been leery of the revolving door of death, but I think you guys pulled it off well I suppose that heart was foreshadowing that, Chekov's gun indeed.
I missed Thal, she's so cute. Lots of luscious wordplay going on in this chapter, Taxi and Hardy reuniting was also adorable.
I suppose you could say, Hardy's heart is in the right place now.
I'm sorry I couldn't pass up the opportunity for just one awful pun.
So three weeks out of action (A coincidence that the last chapter was three weeks ago? ), Taxi went into hiding, Swift is missing, the trail has gone cold and yet Hardy still lives. Time for some payback, time to find Swift, find who killed Ruby Blue and find who killed Hardy.
I suppose he's living up to his name.
Tsuguri Well, our long term release schedule makes a goal out of 'every two weeks'. Whether or not we actually achieve said release schedule is sort of left up to fate and circumstance.
My creativity is good for about a thousand words each day. I'd write more, if I had the time and focus, but I do as much as is doable regardless. You guys get a decent sized book every few months and that's feckin' hard by itself. The editing is the real beast and that's mostly Kasen's realm.
Mr Ignorable
Spoilers? How so?
That is just simple speculation on my part. I was just saying what I thought might happen, which is but one option of an infinite number the authors have available to them.
And as much as I would like to have them, I regret to report that my attempts to attain telepathic powers have all failed. So I have the same amount of information that you do, I just put my brain on the matter for about two seconds before it spit out that scenario. Currently waiting to see if I guessed right.
*Vid-rich comment*
... Good comment go read, but here are his vids.
The second one is broken linkI knew it! I just knew that Hardy would end up with Little Cosmo/Gale's heart. Just wish I thought to actually claim it on the boards.
Anyways, nice to see the story is back on track and cannot wait for more. Have you two worked out a release schedule yet? Or are you just playing it by ear for now?
Looking forward to see if Swift tried to level up her badassness while Hardy was out. Seeing her try to be all tuff and cold hearted, just to break down and sob her eyes out when she realizes it really is Hardy? I'm getting preemptive feels already.
well damn. shit went down. I gotta say though that I LOVE time skips like these, and the fact that he was dead for a while there only makes it better. I knew the heart was more than just some random evidence pulled out to make he whole thing super creepy. the revelation that it was a changelings heart makes the reason why Gale died way better, and like everyone else, I hope Swift isn't in TOO much trouble. oh man, is she Batmare?! I could see Swift being Batmare, with Hardy taking the place of her murdered parents.
Huh, it seems that my prediction that he would talk to juniper and have to solve his own murder was fairly spot on.
vader10001 Good call! No spoilerin' things for everybody, though, okay?
The Mop Is AFK Glad you enjoyed it! More is on the way and will be here soon.
Oh no, Swifty, where are you? I hope she got that sniper. Please be ok Swift, you're the best part of this story.
once again you two do not disappoint with this. i didn't expect Hardy to be out of the game that long but still very good setup to the second act. cant wait for more.
meerkat8472 I agree with you 100%. Swift better be ok and back in the story soon.
- 1933 1st drive-in theater opens (Camden New Jersey)
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