As of this writing it was 2850 days ago
MLP FiM would publish Season 5 Epi 5 on April 25, 2015 "Tanks for the Memories"
Years after all those great souls had bravely faced their fates, one Police Detective marched under the portcullis, head held high, ready to face perhaps the scariest monster to ever terrorize that ancient fortress.
And he was grinning.
Telly, how good of an idea of it is to tell Jade Hardy is on his way.... Even the other ponies are dumb enough to tell her.
doing it does not magically shut off the parts of your mind that are screaming ‘Don’t do this stupid, stupid thing.’
Hardy, that part of your mind is very selective. It should scream at you a lot more often.
“I take it, from your presence, you have come to tell me precisely where you’ve been for the last month?”
“Ehhh... not really. Why? Was I supposed to?”
I took a few seconds to savor my victory.
Then, like anypony with a survival instinct, I broke into a full gallop towards the stairs, running for the back of the building and the Night Trotter parked beside the maintenance exit.
Okay, so Hardy riles up Jade, actually manages to get her speechless and then leaves. Funny, he told her nothing but the truth, Swift is a section eight, he died, Ruby's name, Cosmo's death, all of it...
Okay, ... yeah, should have thought about that. He did it mainly to make sure that the P.D. doesn't go down with him. The bad guys have people everywhere, so getting publicly fired from the P.D. is actually a smart and rational move.
Swift has pointy teeth... Why?
"May he get mange," the Stiletto said, curtly, holding open the curtain beside her. "Down the hall and to the left. You may ignore the sign on the door. He hasn't had a successful sexual encounter since he started working here."
“You left it hanging on the horn of the Chief of Police, after you told her to go buck herself.”
“Thaaat’s riiight, isn’t it?” I exclaimed. “And, having done something like that after what has been a truly stressful month, some stinkin’ spin jockey keeping me from my quiet would be setting himself up for one heckuva rough day.”
Poor kid. Followed me into Cosmo’s office and hadn’t even mentioned she needed to hit the can, I thought.
... okay. I need a moment to stop laughing. Little crap like this are some of the best in the story because they are just so real and funny.
My heart swelled with a bit of pride. The kid was terrified, but even as I lay dead in a nice big puddle of blood back in King Cosmo’s office, she was still trying to be a decent cop. I’m not sure if I could have managed that if our positions were reversed.
Swift is a good kid who just wants to do the right thing. What do you think she's upset about, shooting someone dead or did she know who she killed? or maybe it was that the pony she killed had freaky sharp teeth? Good questions that I promise you will get answers to. One of them you actually already have if you have been reading.
You noted the freaky sharp teeth right? and that Swift started eating meat on day ONE? and Hardy got killed ergo she met the sniper on day THREE... Also that there is a old spell still working on Swift? All that stuff put together... just keep it in mind okay?
Oh hey look, the chapter ended. Lets have a peek at the comments, 65
my confrontation with Jade
I have been waiting for this.
“I probably shouldn’t have one of those. The ghost in my chest might not like it.”
Never before have I seen two people hate each other so much and still pretend to be civil. Hot dang.
“You’re fired,” she said, carefully and without much conviction, gauging my reaction.
Well this might be a problem. ..Wait, never mind, that was his plan.
Something was very wrong with my partner’s dentistry. Every tooth aside the front few seemed to have grown a half inch and sharpened to a razor sharp point, curving slightly inward and interlocking with one another tightly. Two long, nasty canines, obviously for ripping meat, protruded from her upper gums. I nudged them lightly, but they seemed to be attached, and solidly so.
So this is why we were talking about thestrals earlier.
-GM, master of note blocks.
K. Chessie. Work with me here.
What the fuck is going on. This went from noir with a bit of magic to magic with a bit of noir.
It's MLP... its going to have magic!
Titan Commander Sebaste
A bit of a late reply, but Luna's guards at least were not drawn with fangs:
Personally, I think the association between bat ponies and sharp teeth mostly came from a sort of "melding" of Luna's guards with Flutterbat, who did have fangs and got a lot more screentime.
Kenny Loggins' 'Danger Zone' is probably the most fitting song here. It just needed machine guns and it would have been perfect!
If someone hasn't already thought of it, good idea for side story: Top Gun style story about Swift, with missiles and explosions and unwarranted fly-by's.
As soon as I started reading the recall of Swifts memory.... I instantly heard "HIGHWAY TO THE DANGERZONE" as I read that dogfight. Amazing. Kid Has just earned her flying death-head badge, In the classic Pranzi SS paranormal assassin trooper fashion, Killing her trainer. Not even a year out the box too. Wait till she starts muttering "Zeig Hoofler"
Act 2, Chapter 3: "Can You Say 'Aaaah?'" - besides what a doctor tells you to do I got nothing.
SWIFT IS A SLEEPER AGENT... or something....
that dead guy was grape shot... I think that was his name...
So she killed her friend... thats fucked up.
No wonder she went crazy.
hmmm.... you might be on to something here
On the milder end of magical decorations is illusions; Recently, it had been very much in vogue amongst younger demographics to have long-duration glamors that gave them the appearance of changeling wings, hooves, or horns.
Equestrian shock rocker, Doughnut Steel, is credited with starting the OC camp movement among Equestrian juveniles with its clashing florescent colour gradients, geometric mane patterns, and boldly brindled coats. Fortunately for good taste (and optometrists everywhere) the fad turned out to be very short lived...
On the practice of cosmetic transformative magics, one Mr. F. Pants, a wise pony and social scholar, once eloquently stated: “What are you? Stupid?”
It is for science!
We do what we must because we can!
Telly sat behind her console, six headsets wrapped around her neck and another around her tail
So is it safe to say Telly frequently talks out of her ass?
Man... I just want to post the whole novel of a comment here... its just so awesome
That massive "fuck you" to the Chief was absolutely fantastic.
Damn...I figured meat-eating would just be an odd quirk, but a set of teeth to suddenly go with it?
Jolot If the Swift Consortium develops a story-line, I'm GOING to ask somebody to write it, yahknow!
This comment is the final comment of a really interesting chain that you should really just go read yourself.
That return to the castle damn that was funny.
Poor swift as if she wasn't screwed up enough already, I suppose it does explain her carnivorous appetites.
Maybe she'll turn into a bearpony, a flying one. o.o Bearcavalry eat your heart out. Then to top off all the weird, seeing yourself die that's probably gonna leave a mark.
After reading about Scarlet getting those bagels I realise i'm starving.
Out of curiosity, what kind of music does Hardy like?
Redbush Hardy likes a mix of swing, jazz, and blues. He'd love Dave Brubeck and Parov Stellar.
Chessie Also, completely forgot to mention this cause it's right at the start. In The Scholar's peice, it is said that magicked on wings don't work for flying. What about Rarity and her butterfly wings? They were magicked on and they worked perfectly.
Chessie So, does this count as a Cerberus Retcon or not?
Based on context, I think the Scholar's only talking about magicked-on pegasus wings. I'd imagine that Rarity's butterfly wings weren't really part of her anatomy, they were just 'glued' onto her back.
The plot thickens. I am thinking Swift's backstory is incoming? I sure hope so. Good work on this one. Badge swinging on Chief's horn was pretty priceless. Loved Horse Code too
Oh, wow
Maybe it's just because my head's still filled with a whole other massive serial, but I can't even imagine figuring out who the assassin/Special-Horses type was. I am completely, utterly at a loss.
But I am loving all of this
It's particularly cool seeing you work out on action scenes! It reminds me of Film Crit Hulk's discussions of action scenes, where he talks about defining objectives and geography, having cause and effect, events happening in linked sequence. Even though I'm not clear on exactly what's going on with the teeth, it was such a cool moment after the neatly linked sequence of chasing and ambushing and counter-ambushing, to see the guy's teeth all pirahna-ed out, knowing that's happened to Swift now.
I'm always gonna be a hard case as far as being an 'expert Detrot reader', because I continually have way too much going on in my head and require steady orientation and feedback on what's happened. But you manage it! It's wonderful, what you're doing with all this. Moar!
Poor Swifty, my heart is aching now. Whoever did that to her needs to be shot.
Poor poor Swifty, I think I know who she shot, any wonder she went off the rails and didn't return home, poor poor thing. I so want to hug her right now.
2830997 I've found in writing this story that, as a mystery, all of the different parts do seem to come back around and sort of meet up at places. One insignificant fact can become the point on which a chapter or plot point hinges. In the original draft, Swift's meat eating WAS just a quirk.
Y'know, up until this point, I too had just discounted Swift's omni/carnivorism as just a freaky thing that some ponies do after hanging around Gryphons too much. Dietarily inadvisable and socially unwise, but otherwise harmless. The thought that she had some serious friggin' damage (beyond her otherwise obvious serious friggin' damage and the sort of mental instabilities that every soul in the city seems to have in one flavour or another) didn't even cross my mind.
I also never get tired of Taxi completely wrecking some guy in, give or take, a single move.
Closing now, I could just see the masculine shape of the killer’s shoulders, his tail a rich red-wine colored plume bundled tightly against his rear with the same stunt-flier braid that Swift wore.
Unless Scoutaloo underwent some werebear gender reassignment, I'm now forced to re-read the entire fic to find another character with that kind of plumage.
Movie Reel You've no idea how hard it is to keep all this shit straight. It's a LONG story. If you think it's hard here, I don't envy Somber. He's just crazy. Fallout Equestria Project Horizons is almost a million words in length. We're just a goofy serial.
... lets see, Project Horizons ended up being around 1.7, SOD....
My bits are on Swift having known the ex-sniper (ex because he's really dead now), possibly he was the person she named in the bar. Whacky stuff on the teeth there, might explain why eating meat didn't bother her if she's been suffering from that for a while. Looking forward to more, as usual!
Puzzle Reader Yahknow, you're one of like, four people to get the similarity between Steven Magnet and Stella. We did actually write Stella as Steven Magnet, maybe a few years older and a lot smarter. We needed a flaming transvestite and Steven Magnet was one of our favorite characters. He reminded me of an old queen I used to spend my Wednesdays bullshitting and drinking coffee with.
Our VERY fine Sapphire Feather has actually nailed the identity of the shooter. She let me take down the comment so nobody gets spoiled for next chapter, but I wanted to let everyone know she did get it!
So much good stuff there, just a novel....
1687 Isaac Newton's great work Principia published by Royal Society in England, outlining his laws of motion and universal gravitation

Isaac Newton
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