Chapter 26: Published July 20th 2013 was on a Saturday and was in week 29 of 2013
As of this writing it was 2835 days ago
On April 26 2014 Season 4 epi 23 "Inspiration Manifestation" would air
a pony who did the right thing because it was the right thing, not because it was another notch on a professional scorecard.
Honestly... everybody should live by this
Okay so the first part of this chapter talks about what has magically been done to alter Swift. Why she has freaky teeth, why she's suddenly aggressive, and that had they not stopped the magic she might have become a carnivore instead of an omnivore.
Nothing makes sure your awake and facing reality than a dip in cold water.... It might take a few times... but eventually.
In subjective terms, I’d only known the kid a few days. In that time, she’d killed for me and nearly died on at least a couple of occasions. That meant something in Detrot, a city where ponies routinely murdered one another for the pettiest of reasons. I knew, somewhere underneath what was left of my once massive ego, that I couldn’t have looked myself in the eyes each morning if I gave anything less than my all for the kid.
Thankfully, there weren’t any clauses in that conscience-driven mutualism that required me to be nice about it.
“You are the world’s biggest tail-hole, Sir!” she shouted, her voice breaking as she threw her forelegs around me. Then, the waterworks started. What was it with fillies hitting me, then immediately using me for a kerchief?
Swift isn't someone you want on a cookie raid? that is ADORABLE! OMG Swift's dad was big into Honesty hmm??? Applejack finally gets a reference if you don't count the way Glow talks or Bloom being Cosmo's given name.
A PACT Trooper was my sniper; a brainwashed PACT trooper, most likely created using the same set of magics which had affected my partner. I didn’t care for where that line of logic ended, but I’ve never been prone to denial when the case is in front of me, whether I like the answers I find or not
Leaning over the side, I waved at the yellow spot far down below. She waved back.
Then I threw up.
It turns out that apologizing is never the right thing to do when an angry filly is cleaning vomit off of her hooves. Especially if that filly is as violent as my driver.
To think, she used to be worse.
I should have blamed it on Swift.
Okay, no, I'm siding with Hardy with this one. While most of the Cyclones might not be safe, this group IS.
Oh hey look, the chapter ended. Lets have a peek at the comments, 43
How did I wind up attached to this kid?
The story makes demands on a pony’s psyche.
After all, with the proceeds from our recent acquisition of the Monte Cheval-"
I was wondering about that…
“This is so cool!” Swift grinned, flashing her fangs on one side, then the other, then giving the air a few experimental chomps.
At first I was like “wait what” and then I was like “wait, never mind, this is Cuddles.”
run up to the Summer Sun Celebration.
Well I already know the SSC is going to be an absolute disaster.
-GM, master of Qs.
Well I already know the SSC is going to be an absolute disaster.
I see you have excellent pattern recognition skills.
“First Bank of Detrot. It’ll be in an escrow account under the name ‘Sweetums.”
My neck felt suddenly very warm. “You couldn’t pick something less... horrific?”
But Hardy, Sweetums is a great Muppet!
I love you blue, but sometimes your age shows.
the whole back and forth just read.
Act 2, Chapter 4: "Tell Me, Exactly How Could Things Be Worse?" - I got nothing but with all the rasta talking you have me thinking about GTA4 and a part when Niko is yelling at Roman saying something about like that.
All iv got me brada.
We got rastas me brada!
The best part about mystery stories, at least for me, is trying to figure out whats going to happen.
And you always got to think out side that box.
Case and point, my brain decided to slip me the thought of maybe, just maybe, The Vivarium are the bad guys!
They took over the casino, they almost own the city in one way or another, and it would be the perfect twist!
The only problem with that is the heavy family connections with swift...
The fact that PACT is involved in this just made things a whole lot more interesting.
Also, Swift is adorabs. Again.
Kicks Mcgee Yeah, 25 suffered for not having had our second editor on the job. I derped hardcore. Sorry CC! We'll have you on next time!
Redbush Next chapter is a short one that's basically ALL about the Aroyos. They're an interesting group. It does sort of give one the impression Detrot is a semi-war-zone, but it's just REALLY REALLY BIG.
Swifts reaction to having teeth. ""
Hell yeah girl, she's going to be a dentists worst nightmare. No guns n glory here but a sobering tale of Swift returning properly to the group.
This chapter is quite different from the others, largely because it's about the reunion and it takes a slight detour from the normal hairbrained crazy to take a look at the characters. It's an interesting look into how the two work together, Swift really is important to the gang and the whole family get-together (of sorts) to fix swift underlines that.
I really liked the chat at the rusting tower, I got the impression that was a metaphor of sorts of Swift. The high rickety staircase that needs nerves of steel to climb. Hardy finding the nerve to do so (I doubt Hardy would suffer much of an injury from falling because he's the main character and that'd be like having him fall down a flight of stairs while pulling on a sock, in comparison to some of the feats he's pulled off in previous chapters), seemed to be indicative of Swifts still fragile state. What I think she needs is a good fight to get her mojo back.
That's the technical psychological solution anyway.
With a nice little twist about the pony Swift fought being the PACT her ex-partner. I would guess we'll be seeing some more of the PACT at some point.
And ending with meeting the Aroyos again, at the moment they're fairly unforgettable bunch. The Aroyos I mean, I suppose that's the point really, they're just a junction to the next important part of Hardy's long and labyrinthine journey.
I enjoyed it.
Jolot Hey, I've still got my eyes peeled, I just packed away the rifle, I can get it out if I need it again. Also I have to say, a tactical vest with a bunny patch, so cute. She really is adorabadass, I mean really would you mess with with someone who has a bunny patch on their vest? I don't think so. If they're confident enough to wear that, you know they must be tough. Again I have to say I hope she gets that awesome gun back, I mean it wouldn't take long, just go to Skytown and dig it up, clean it, and your done. That gun was awesome.
meerkat8472>>2909375 I didn't say to pack up yet boys. you're still assigned to that post. Like I said there's no more need of the deadline but you two have other jobs you're still responsible for there. on another note, I know demolition is one of your specialties Naikujibo but seriously could you two be more careful with that stuff. I seriously don't want to have to talk to the Council and explain another "Ice Cream Truck Incident". Me personally I thought it was hilarious but well we're suppose to keep a low profile at least in real life and things like "that" tend to draw attention.
The Cakemeister
Ya know, I'll admit that could be a possibility, but unlikely. PACT would always need enough Ponies to provide them with a 'Public Face,' and if any of the Spec Ops Predators got exposed it would be a PR nightmare for them.
Or maybe it is something they can activate or hide at will? That could work. And Swift still slips through the cracks by not have the normal triggers activate it. Either way, these are some messed up ponies who now have a Zombie, a New Age Mystic, and a Masamane wielding Demon after their flanks. OK, I had to stretch for Swift there, but just think of her grinning at you with that gun drawn. Yikes.
Man, now what am I going to do with all this TNT? Oh well Swift Cuddles is back and more adorabadass than ever! (I can't believe I just typed that) Can't wait to meet this fourth character you have been going on about.
On a side note, do you think Slip Stitch keeps the shotgun loaded while he props up the door? I think he does.
I thought that PACT would have something to do with all of this sooner or later. These carnivore assassins are probably their elite wet work team, so Swift was identified as a candidate for the program but was then transferred to the DPD. They probably considered themselves safe since what pony in their right mind would voluntarily eat meat.
As for the chapter, it's great that Swift is now fully returned to us. Her view points help to bring that fresh breezy feeling into everything. And they are going to have such fun the next time they need to interrogate someone. Just teach her that smile Hardy used, I'm sure it will make all but the craziest wet themselves when they realize why it distresses them so much!
Aroyo? I'm getting strong Fallout 2 tribal vibes. Especially from the locals' unique accent. So help me if there's a grampy bone mentioned next chapter...
Just thought I would point out that chickens, rabbit, turkeys and pigs (among many more animals) are sentient. It's sapience they lack.
A good rule of thumb is:
Sentient: aware of their surroundings. This includes all animals with sensory facilities and some plants.
Sapient: aware that they are aware of their surroundings.
Sorry, it just bugs me ever time someone makes that mistake.
I thought Swift was a bit odd, but I did not think that she was so odd as to be happy that she essentially has the mouth of a shark and is decidedly not quite a pony anymore. I am also curious as to why there is a recurring theme of women Hardy interacts with wanting to kick his ass for various reasons (besides the obvious reason of it being hilarious ).
On a side note, how long do you guys plan on making this story? It seems like everything is connected and there are two new questions for every answer the heroes find. There is a lot of stuff that has yet to be addressed, most of it bad and it looks like it it will get worse before it gets better. Regardless of how things turn out, I want to read it all. Maybe Hardy might actually live to see the end of this game.
“I’m not gonna stop calling you ‘kid’ anytime soon.” Hardy why you so cool! "Then I threw up."
Mmm... Still counts.
Glade to see Swift is back in the game she just needed a little Heart to Heart with Hardy...or heart to box...or would it be a heart to heart with Gale? :P Glade I got a chance to catch up I love this story. I can't wait for the next update! So livin' on the ghetto now aye Hardy? That's all right nice thing about living at the bottom is you can always see where the sh*t flows from.
Best of luck! I suggest buying one of those little combs...crabs are no fun when your covered head to hoof with hair.
"talking on phone" Yes sirs. I understand and agree completely. No I haven't received anything positive from Meerkat and NaiKujibo or the others monitoring the other target in regard to the other part of their assignment but I'm sure its only a matter of time. Yes sirs. Goodbye sirs. "hangs up"
Good news! Just got off with the council and they have stated that the terms have been met. All members on "special" assignment need no longer concern themselves with the deadline. Simply follow through with the other orders you've been given. Council were making some odd comments when I was 1st patched in for the conference call but I guess they would have made more sense if I knew the whole conversation. Anyways great job to the authors. You didn't even need the extension.
(on a serious note. this was excellent. not that I could expect any less from you two. You really brought back the Swift we know but with the rose-tinted glasses pulled off. She now fully understands the score of being a police officer. I found it hilarious when she found out about her new dental work and actually thought they were cool contrary to what everyone else in the room thought she was going to react. I especially like the scene in the car towards the end where Swift smacked Hardy on request from Taxi.)
Anew chapter of starlight 100% unexpected?
I love reading this story at night. with peace and quiet. It feels like Applebuck Season for AJ (the actual season, not the episode) or the sonic rainboom for RD, or finishing a huge ass order for rarity
Please never end this you two, ever. please please please please never end it
If you have to get married to stay together, so be it, but this is the story that truly helps me relax, and I can never seem to get enough
1858 Fee 1st charged to see a baseball game (50 cents) (NY beats Bkln 22-18)
- May 6 2021 an Astro's ticket is $14, May 2nd Its $214
Hey Look, April 26th, Astros are playing Mariner in Houston and tickets start at $14 :D (I'm from Houston and live near Seattle, this will post on April 26, that is purely fun facts to me.)
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