Read Starlight Over Detrot with me.

The story is about.

Monster attacks. Crime. Illegal hallucinogens made from electric fruit.

They say things didn't use to be like this. They say things were different, before Luna came back 60 years ago, but Detective Hard "Hardy" Boiled of the Detrot Police Department has never known any world other than that demarcated by the seedy streets of his beloved decaying metropolis; a world in which the coroners sing and dance, surveillance bugs have personality disorders, and the Chief of Police is a scarier entity than most of the eldritch things the city attracts.

The grey unicorn who turned up dead outside the posh High Step Hotel seemed like just another case, but her missing horn is the pointy tip of a very large and nasty iceberg. It's up to Hardy and his friends - a rejected monster hunter, a psychic cab driver, and an underground antiques heir - to find out what’s going on in an investigation that promises to stick more than a cupcake into the very eye of Detrot.

Especially if Hardy has anything to say about it.

Additional editing by coandco Sig_Awesome, Hinds, Clint, and Raccoon!
Featured on EQD - 5 Stars!
Cover art by MisterMech (
Now with TVTropes page here! (

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Act One, Chapter 15: Home Is Where The Heart Is

Chapter 15: Published February 4th 2013 was on a Monday and was in week 06 of 2013.

As of this writing it was 2990 days ago

The FIRST EVER My Little Pony episode would air April 14th 1984! 2 Years after Hasbro started making the toys. 

 (See H.P. Hoofcraft’s account of “The Horror in Pink,” L.R. 3) - 

It's funny, in the My Little Pony: Magic Princess app, which is an official Hasbro game for my little pony they have The in-game description for True Umbrum names "H. Pony Lovecart", a parody of H.P. Lovecraft. Now, I'm to tired to go deeper to see which came first, Chessie HP or Hasbro's HP... but I love that they both included him. and BOTH names will go into the Who's Who entry

That illusion and that lie can be summed up in three simple words: I am safe.

That Chessie throws in little horrible things like this that I absolutely agree with are the reasons why I'm writing this blog and doing the read through.  She absolutely deserves credit for all of this. 

"Jingle Jangle is his name,"

Yup. Cosmo's real name is Jingle Jangle.  For the sake of things, I'll still be calling him Cosmo whenever he talks, but. I want to make sure you are aware.  

"Has Jingle got himself mixed up with that bad crowd that helped get me out? He's a sweet boy. Helped get me home. Helped get my wife back where she should be."

This is one of those moments where the loving parent is blind to just how bad their kid really is.  I honestly love this trope.  By the way, the father is suppose to be serving time, so Cosmo actually cared enough to get his dad out. Though the line about the wife kind of bothers me, if I remember correctly it should be explained shortly and be VERY disturbing. 

Hardy MAKES time to sit and have a moment with an older pony. Holy crap. This is fucking awesome. I cant tell you how much this can mean to someone who doesn't get to socialize very often.  Really, go to an olds folk home and sit with a couple of them and let them talk to you, it means the world to them.

His tail swung under the sheets, scattering what might or might not have been rocks on the bed. 

Do you know, do you know what's on the bed yet? Read just a little father... that's not rocks.

“Well, that’s my quota of ‘fucked up’ for today. I’m done,” 

You know what.... I can't blame you.

Bloom seemed so reasonable and loved his son, despite the sickness that’d eaten his mind during years of imprisonment. A tiny, mad little part of me screamed for even a taste of that familiar affection... and there it was, the crack in my defenses. I shared a beer with a murdering, psychotic prison escapee. Damn me for a sentimental fool.

Okay, but even bad guys need someone to have a beer with them every now and then. Sure. Bloom is fucking creepy, but he's honestly remorseful, having a beer with him was a moment of kindness. It proves just how good of a pony you are. 

And being inside Cosmo's home you really get to see inside his head.  This poor fucked up guy just wants to rebuild his family. Fucked up for sure, but kind of sad. What this about wishing?

“I... is that... Oh, Celestia save me, I said I was finished with screwed up things for today!”


Oh hey look, the chapter ended. Lets have a peek at the comments, 41

#39 · 2 weeks ago ·  ·  · Chessie

“Well, that’s my quota of ‘fucked up’ for today. I’m done,”

Ah, good; you're not one of those ones who thinks using "bucked" is cute and/or clever.

Because it's not.

#40 · 2 weeks ago ·  ·  ·

Yeah, I don't know. I tried not to use too much foul language, but it is worth using strategically.


#38 · February 5th ·  ·  ·

Elden andel
A surprising number of people still get caught out by the cliffhangers and there are a lot of them. It being episodic, I tried to keep people interested as well as offering something new each week to advance the mainline story.

On the bright side, you don't have to wait eight years to read the ending.


#36 · Feb 15th, 2020 ·  ·  ·

This house almost burst with grassy life, cropped to a precise length by the hooves of some extremely fussy or well paid gardener.

If I could, I'd write a fic of all the little lives mentioned in this fic but never touched upon again. This poor sap who gets paid to trim a house to perfection, a random house in the middle of nowhere, and then not ask any questions. Or like, Snow Coy. That hay fries guy. That one pon with ruby blue, the unlucky one.

#34 · Jan 29th, 2020 ·  ·  · Chessie

(See H.P. Hoofcraft’s account of “The Horror in Pink,” L.R. 3)

The worst part about H.P. Hoofcraft’s works is that, in the modern era, they are considered to be retellings of real events rather than fictitious accounts.

Wait what... maybe I should actually read my Lovecraft book. 

There's more to GM's comment, go read.

#32 · Apr 29th, 2015 ·  ·  ·

This moved me to tears! Oh how sallow the life of one who has lost all and will stop at nothing to get it all back, and to hell with sanity or safety to get it.

I feel like I want to see Cosmo shot between the eyes and finally given a bit of peace and rest to that raging heart infected by sorrow.
But only as hardy fulla tears choked up for all that has happened mutters "This is the only way I can end your pain" through his gun-bit. In many ways hardy and cosmo seem the same to me. Both just want to survive but hardy is doing it as he can see fit legally. Cosmo.... well, his madness of loss made him a monster....

Nothing is more heartbreaking then to hear of a child who lost all and then went made because of it.


I felt so sorry for Mister Bloom Sr. I felt sadness unlike anything before. The sadness of seeing someone wanting to die but unable to.

#30 · Jul 26th, 2014 ·  ·  ·

These tidbits from The Scholar are brilliant; to say nothing of the rest of the story. I'm glad I have 40-some-odd chapters left.

#28 · Jun 29th, 2014 ·  ·  · SIGAWESOME

Chapter 15: "Home Is Where The Heart Is" - Its an old saying.
Ones home is where they long to be.
Where they feel safe and at peace.
A house is just a house, but a home is where you feel you belong in this cruel and unforgiving world.
Whether it be with friends or family. And sometimes they can be one in the same.
"A House is Not a Home when there's no one there"

#29 · Jun 30th, 2014 ·  ·  ·


"A House is Not a Home when there's no one there"

Ah, but it can be worse when someone is there. So much worse. Especially when it is family... :fluttercry:

#27 · Apr 6th, 2014 ·  ·  ·

Just go read

... WAIT

Equestria roils with seething tides of emotion, creating a bizarre and shifting psychic atmosphere not entirely incomparable to weather patterns, albeit less predictable. It has been theorized that this is why artifacts such as the Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Heart are so essential; they provide stability to a mental weatherscape that would otherwise regularly be struck by the emotional equivalent of torrential hurricanes.

I am sure being a race of skittish, sapient herd herbivores in the midst of a world beset with physical and magical predators also contributes to the overall levels of stress and anxiety. Apparently it has gotten so bad that Equestria needs a third demigoddes whose full-time job description is to maintain and tend to interequine relationships throughout the realm...

In other news, business has never been better or more profitable for Equestria's psychologists, therapists, and councillors...

Okay, Twilight became a Alicorn Feb 16, 2013. Which funnily enough is 12 day after this chapter would be posted. but before Siggy wrote their comment. 

A pile of polished bones lay in the bed beside the once-more sleeping body of Mister Bloom. They’d been arranged with great precision on top of the sheet to be in something resembling an equine shape.


(Who wants to make Jello?) :trollestia:

SIGGY! *boop* NO

We hit the bottom of the steps and went around the corner, continuing our descent on the second landing into the basement. A door waited for us at the end of a short hallway. It was as anonymous and featureless as every other in the house, and for that reason, my freshly reconstructed wariness shrieked ‘Danger, Danger!’ at the top of its metaphysical lungs.

What horrors could possibly lurk behind this door?
- A large fire-pit ringed with iron asadors for cooking foolish employees who got caught cooking the books into Griffon-jerky?
- A red-lit photo lab papered over with photos of vivisection?
- A Jello factory/tannery?
- A coven of ISO auditors? :pinkiegasp:


You know, she dreamed of a neighborhood full of ponies?
"It’s his family," she said, clearing her throat and speaking to be heard. "This house? That scene upstairs? King Cosmo is putting his family back together from scratch."

Somebody should probably investigate those other houses on the street. I have a sneaking, horrified suspicion that Cosmo Jangle wants to fulfil Honey Bee's wish by collecting droves of ponies that no one will miss and manacling, riveting, nailing, or other wise fastening them to various fixtures in the houses, thus "populating" the neighbourhood.

Holy crap. Yeah, that prob should be done.

#18 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · Chessie

Well this was certainly dark. Mr. Bloom's story was straight out of a Steven King novel mixed with Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Cosmo's backstory was certainly horrifyingly tragic, and I make not watch a lot of horror films, but I have a good idea what's in that drawer...

And you say later developments will top this chapter? Man, I really hope this story doesn't turn into straight up Lovecraftian horror, it might be too much for me to take. Well, you've already established that dark magic has influences in this story, makes sense to take the next logical step, I supose.

I really hope you get better Chessie; getting sick during winter is the worst, which is why I've always hated this season.

Great chapter, hopefully the next one will will come soon!

#17 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  ·

Bah. Chessie is again being far too modest; despite her crippling seasonal illness, she's outdone herself this time.

We've had the Not Noir Enough comment made before, but we've always been firm believers in the idea that there is no darkness without light. The Pony setting is useful here; It helps provide a colorful contrast to the stark greys and shades of madness that we've gradually been introducing, which are all the more horrifying in the shadow of a more lighthearted opening.

Hopefully the latest chapter gives it more.... shall we say, "noir-cred." And indeed, we're not close to done. If there is anyone who I believe could help coalesce backstories that make Cosmo's look like a Dr. Seuss book, it's Chessie S. Cat over here.

--CEO Kasen

#13 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · Chessie

Are the elements of harmony in the dresser?

#14 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · The Cakemeister

particle_pony You're going to wish they were.


#10 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · Chessie

Jesus, you're really earning that Dark tag, aren't you?

#3 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · Chessie

And maybe "that's insane" was a poor yet apropos choice of words. *shiver*

#4 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · hanatoropointyknives

pointyknives See, I wish I could say that Jingle Jangle's damage was one of the worst things we've got planned for this story but... if I'm honest, he doesn't even register on the meter.


#8 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · Chessie

Just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

#9 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  ·

hanatoro Alice is puking her guts up about a quarter mile back and we still can't see the bottom.


#2 · Feb 4th, 2013 ·  ·  · SIGAWESOME

Just go read

  • 1931 National League adopts a deader baseball - first standard baseball... not that I can get anymore details than that. and that is why its going here because I was curious and couldn't find more info

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 Act 2, Chapter 7: Executor of the Estate