Read Starlight Over Detrot with me.

The story is about.

Monster attacks. Crime. Illegal hallucinogens made from electric fruit.

They say things didn't use to be like this. They say things were different, before Luna came back 60 years ago, but Detective Hard "Hardy" Boiled of the Detrot Police Department has never known any world other than that demarcated by the seedy streets of his beloved decaying metropolis; a world in which the coroners sing and dance, surveillance bugs have personality disorders, and the Chief of Police is a scarier entity than most of the eldritch things the city attracts.

The grey unicorn who turned up dead outside the posh High Step Hotel seemed like just another case, but her missing horn is the pointy tip of a very large and nasty iceberg. It's up to Hardy and his friends - a rejected monster hunter, a psychic cab driver, and an underground antiques heir - to find out what’s going on in an investigation that promises to stick more than a cupcake into the very eye of Detrot.

Especially if Hardy has anything to say about it.

Additional editing by coandco Sig_Awesome, Hinds, Clint, and Raccoon!
Featured on EQD - 5 Stars!
Cover art by MisterMech (
Now with TVTropes page here! (

Sunday, March 14, 2021

This blog will go live as soon as Chessie marks it complete.

Back in Aug of COVID I finally agreed to read the other fan fic that my boyfriend was trying to get me to check out.  I mean, this is the guy who introduced me to Fallout: Equestria back in April of  2019 which I loved, and he said this one was BETTER!  But a noir tail tale? And another MLP fanfic?  I'm not crazy about fanfics, and honestly. MLP is cute, but I had never really got into it.  (Now, now I need to get my hands on season 9, how does it end??????)

boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
do you want to read something really long but also really good at creepy psychological horror?

That got my interest.

boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
there, direct link
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
it's over a million words so it should keep you occupied for a day or two
You sent August 11, 2020
... the pony is hung over
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
You sent August 11, 2020
I am amused
You sent August 11, 2020
And want to get drunk
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
so, if you haven't watched the show the Alicorns are basically demigods of the universe ... and i make many jokes in the comments about Hardy being the future Alicorn of Justice and Alcoholism
You sent August 11, 2020
... gonna read first

That bit I underlined? keep me occupied for a day or two? The dude is a speed reading machine. it took me more than just a day or two, I read so slow, and comments are interesting.  It was a few chapters of me quoting my favorite parts to him before I just had to start writing in the comment section. Aug 17 I got a message from Chessie herself inviting me to her discord server for the story. I'll let her decide if she wants to drop a link in the comment section. It's a pretty awesome server, with great people.

So you know how I found the story. And since I know Chessie, I want to share with you how the story idea happened. 

Well, the original idea for Starlight Over Detrot came about in early 2012.  CEO_Kasen spent an entire weekend playing L.A. Noire (the video-game) and simultaneously binge-watching all of My Little Pony that was out.  I went over to his place and we drank heavily, then as I was leaving he mentioned this idea he'd had for a detective story about a pony in a trench-coat and hat, trying to solve the murder of a mare in a red dress.
That is what spurred the idea.

But did you know that Chessie wrote about 100,000 words to make the original story? She offered to let me read it, if she can find it. If that ever becomes the case I'll have a blog about what I think about it. :D but if you want a copy of it your going to have to beg her yourself.

I also want to point out that this story is Chessie learning how to write and is her first story.

Also, I want to say that Chessie constantly hinted that the big bad was mentioned ONCE in the first two seasons, and never again.

So, while when I do the blog on the story, I will be doing it as a second read through, I'm going to do the cover page as if its my first time looking at it.

So lets get into  my thoughts on what you see on the first screen.

Chessie's picture :D So cute! I love cats. :D CLICK FOLLOW!  And she is online almost every day.

The picture

I'm not putting the picture in this blog.  Its at the top of this website and its really hard to miss.

I don't know about you, but that grey pony looks exhausted. Let the poor pony have a good nights rest please. That unicorn looks... unfriendly and maybe just a little stuck up. That pegasus looks cute and innocent. *blink* the pony in the taxi, it almost looks like she has one hoof on the wheel and two out the window but that's a mirror I hope. Pretty full moon and a sky full of stars over a city.  Only in Equestria, light pollution.  

1,177 likes/46 dislikes 7.4k comments (how many are mine?) 51k readings as of this post.

Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale

Noir huh? I honestly didn't know much about the noir genre outside of that charmed episode. 

Detrot sounds like a place in Equestria. Starlight just sounds pretty. 

Thankfully FimFiction gives you labels for stories so you have an idea of what you are about to read.

MLP:FiM - I think this means "Friendship is Magic"  OC - It has at least ONE Original Character
Reading all the blue tags... Okay, yeah this might be worth reading.

I would like to point out that you dont need to like or even know about My Little Pony to enjoy this story.

The summary of the story

Monster attacks. Crime. Illegal hallucinogens made from electric fruit.

This line makes me wonder if this is going to be how the humor is incorporated into the story. 

So this takes place 60 years after Season One of MLP.

Hey, if Luna coming back is a spoiler for you... I'm sorry. Maybe you should find a copy of it and watch the first two seasons.  Its on Netflix right now except for season nine.  (unless you don't care about MLP.)

My boyfriend had the best reaction to that.

But this takes place in the same timeline as Friendship is Magic.  Does that mean we will see the Main Six?  We do in FoE, so, maybe?

Detective Hard "Hardy" Boiled of the Detrot Police Department 
Well, I know enough about Friendship is Magic to know that Hardy is an OC.  Is that the grey pony in the picture? 

Detrot sounds like a place I don't really want to go to. Also, why Detrot? Other than it sounds like a city that fits in the world that hasn't been mentioned yet.  Is it based off of Detroit? I poked Chessie about this. Here is what she said

  1. It was a great pun.  None of the other pony cities had particularly good puns associated with them.
  2. Detroit was pretty much a shit-hole when we started writing it.  IT's improved in recent years. 
  3. It was the one city we could basically guarantee would never make it into the actual cannon of My Little Pony.

the Chief of Police is a scarier entity than most of the eldritch things the city attracts

Okay, now that is just begging for a scary eldritch thing to come to the city. 

The grey unicorn who turned up dead outside the posh High Step Hotel seemed like just another case, but her missing horn is the pointy tip of a very large and nasty iceberg. It's up to Hardy and his friends - a rejected monster hunter, a psychic cab driver, and an underground antiques heir - to find out what’s going on in an investigation that promises to stick more than a cupcake into the very eye of Detrot.

 So we have the case... A unicorn missing her horn is a bit messed up, which I don't mind. I wonder if Hardy and his friends are the ones in the picture? Hardy is prob the grey pony, the cab driver is prob the one in the taxi, pretty sure the antiques heir is the snobby looking unicorn, so the rejected monster hunter must be the pegasus. 

Especially if Hardy has anything to say about it.

Hmm. okay, this is worth reading.

Multiple editors. (who got added on after a while)

Featured on EQD - 5 Stars!

Cover art by MisterMech (

Now with TVTropes page here!

156 freaken chapters, WOW. 1,446,663 words and its NOT done yet!


But the ending is soon, epilogue part one was published yesterday... *blink* yesterday? only yesterday? but... ....  >.> okay. 

Chapter one was publish Nov 4th, 2012. 9 year ago.

Notices the download button and clicks it... Yeah, the txt is everything so far in one place. 

        Wants it on kindle!

And then the comment section. 148 pages of every single comment on the story, most resent on top. 



I assumed the
This is better!

I love it!

There is the last comment I posted. My comment is a little spoilerly so I took out the stuff. 


There  is a lot of reasons for this actually.

  • The story is almost over, it wont kill me to wait a little longer
  • I'm reading the story for the first time and really enjoying waiting for every new chapter, I want my first reactions to the new stuff to be based off what I remember from one solid read through.
  • Until mid Jan I was on medication, I'm pretty sure it is out of my system now... Or its out enough.  Waiting gives me more time to purge.
  • When I start this blog, I want to have the ending in mind.
  • There are things in the first chapter that you can miss until much later and go, hey! wasn't that mentioned before? 
    • While I don't plan on calling all of them out... or maybe I'll find a way to make them transparent. I want to be able to spot them. 

But once I start posting, I do plan on posting every day.  blogspot lets you schedule your post and while I plan on reading in as few sit downs as possible, I want to try to have a steady schedule. so things will post at midnight PST if I can help it. 

I'm going to apologize now for messing up my schedule... its bound to happen at least once. 

Okay Chessie, its on you. :D Finish the story!

.... and before you ask.  The green pony is somepony important to the story.  Also, outside of the cover, my favorite fanart I could find.

And I deliberately skipped the Patreon link. She never set up. 

Lets do this day in history! 
June 12, the day that it was orginally posted

Oooh found this!

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 Act 2, Chapter 7: Executor of the Estate