Act One, Chapter One
Read Starlight Over Detrot with me.
The story is about.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Things I need art of
- The description of all of them sitting around the lounge gave me the image of Hardy sitting on a small throne, Clockwork Orange style, Scarlet draped luxuriously along his lap, the Twins perched in front of him like stoic guard dogs, fully kitted out, Zeta and Taxi flanking the throne, leaning against it casually, as if daring somepony to try something, and Swift directly above, vested, wings unfurled. Just add Edina off to the side playing with yarn, and Hardy sipping casually from a coffee cup.
- It was odd to see the usually hyperactive creatures sitting completely motionless. They looked like rows of black and red sparrows kipping on telephone lines. (Queenie and her Ladybugs)
- Zeta Rather than rappelling, she simply threw herself over, running headlong down the brickwork with an absolutely reckless disregard for gravity.
- gif please - Swift was watching the scene with her rear end wiggling like a jungle cat readying for the pounce
- Taxi picking a lock
- Swift returned an hour after she’d left, panting, armed, and holding a dead pigeon in her teeth as she stood on the top of the stairs.
Sweet Shine
"You don’t want to talk about it, then it’s no skin off my nose." Beat "Okay, I lied. What’s in your head? Come on, Hardy... Tellmetellmetellme!"
“Oh, nothing much. Something about how I’d come back and pull his soul out through his penis if he ever disrespected a mare again.”
First appeared in Act One, Chapter One.
Act One, Chapter 1: Welcome To Detrot
Chapter 1: - Published November 4th 2012 was on a Sunday and was in week 44 of 2012.
As of this writing it was 3,067 days ago. ... 3068, the clock struck midnight while I was writing because I allowed myself to go out to eat
The first thing that pops up is Hockham’s Razor. Which googling, because for some reason Ender's Game comes to mind leads me to Occam’s Razor, which I'm just going to say I'm currently to dumb to try to figure out how it applies... Feel free to explain the comment section below.
Returning influence over the moon to her sister after the events of a thousand years ago and the prodigal’s eventual return seemed like giving keys to a liquor store to a recovering alcoholic.
I'd give Hardy keys to a liquor store is the first thing that comes to mind. That being said, this is a really good point to make. How much trust Celestia shows in her sister is heart warming. I love it when people get a second chance. People deserve second chances. Sometimes third and fourth ones too, depending on the reason. But anybody who knows Friendship is Magic, Luna takes her second chance and proves she deserves it.
Wait! A voice, softer than a whisper seemed to direct my attention.
Far away, almost at the edge of vision, a glowing light came to life on the horizon. It seemed to waver, then solidify, like a reflection in a disturbed pond. It wasn’t a kindly light, but harsh and angry. It glared down on my city with devilish intent. After a few seconds a second gleaming nova appeared at the other end of the sky, then another, and another, until four flashing stars hung in the heavens.
Who was the voice? And four angry stars huh?
And then he is filled with fear as an eclispe happens. A really creepy eclipse.
Noooo... freaking hate ringing phones make it stop.
“You awake now?” resumed the voice, with only a hint of smugness.
Well I am... *shiver*
“The blue round ones or the purple star ones?”
Oohh makes you wonder what they do.
Read my ass. I’m a cop.
Actually the story of Hardy's cutie mark comes much later.
Dear Celestia's sweet tail,
Aww... This is the one thing I like FoE better. It has more creative swearing.
You’d never catch me in the office without a tie, for example, even if that’s only because I find it useful to know whose eyes happen to stray to it as they fantasize about choking the life out of me
HAHAHAHHA. As you read this, you will understand more.
She was engraved along the barrel, “To Hard Boiled, with love.” That's Hard Boiled Senior, by the way; He’d tried to give me wisdom, patience, and a sense of responsibility along with his name. In the end, I think I was most grateful to him for that gun.
Hardy is a cop... so sense of responsiblity was something that got passed down.
I'd never needed to adjust them
Special gun?
At some point, my father had her converted to fire standard .45 bullets rather than... whatever she was built for. Magic ammunition was notorious for its lack of standardization. Switching it to brass and lead must have cost him two left legs, but it was worth it.
Oh, if you only knew.
Protector. Savior of the weak. Damned idiot with a badge.
Foals could still play on my street. You could still eat at the corner restaurants without having to pick lead out of your hay. The old buildings didn't precisely sag so much as they slumped against one another, like old friends out for a night on the town who've had one too many.
This honestly sounds like a nice place.
‘Love Thy Neighbor, Even If You Want to Set Fire To Him’
This sounds like something worth living by.
Nopony ever really nailed down her Special Talent, but whatever it was, it made her a brilliant investigator. It was a sad day when she left the force, but after what happened to her cutie marks, even I wasn’t thick enough to ask her to stay.
We do find out answers to this in later chapters.
her ears perked and she rent the quiet asunder with a voice full of far too much early morning cheer. “Okay, I lied. What’s in your head? Come on, Hardy... Tellmetellmetellme!”
“...I had that dream again.”
“Is that the one where the stripper comes out of the cupcake and it’s your mother?”
“What? No!”
“Oh! Was it the one where you’re wearing a pretty pink dress to meet Celestia at court?”
Are these dreams he's actually had? I should ask Chessie, but its head cannon.
You need a vacation.
You want a repeat?
It wasn't that bad.
“I spent the weekend in a holding cell! Some checker headed pony who shall go unnamed slipped me a mickey in the hotel bar and I ended up with my rental car parked in the town fountain, pissing off the top of it onto a statue of Princess Celestia.”
Welcome back to our show at the top of the hour as we give you noteworthy events, and the fairest, most balanced broadcast on the air!
Why don't I trust that?
Skipping down to when Astral talks. The first time I read this I kind of just. Meh. But this is my second read through, and I've watched up to Season 9 epi 4 of Friendship is Magic, her whole monologue has a totally different meaning to me. Though I was very grateful Hardy had it turned off my first read through.
Hardy and Taxi have a talk about religon and I pretty much side with Taxi's views.
Oh hey look, the chapter ended. Lets have a peek at the comments. Only 35 of them
Oh, this is going to be good. I feel like I share more in common with Hardy than is healthy.
I'm not putting Sig's novel of the comment here, but its def worth reading!
- 1922 Howard Carter discovers tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt
Nightmare Moon
The Shield
Monday, March 29, 2021
Yup, its over
So before I start my reread. Let me say that these last few months waiting for the next chapter have been amazing and I think for a first time writer Chessie has done an amazing job. Sure she left a few loose ends, but then she made the story public domain so we are free to close them up and do whatever we want.
There is a audio book in the works. Shotgun Angel Productions is currently working on another MLP fan fic, but in a month hopes to start working on Starlight Over Detrot.
Also, I sat down and did my streaming game in ONE SHOT. So I have several weeks of nothing really to do. I'm going to read and and make this blog live on twitch. But it will by no means be an audiobook unless someone downloads and clips it all together.
So here we go. Lets click over SOD and turn on twitch.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
An hour ago it ended, maybe
Chessiecat — Today at 4:33 AM
@everyone Well, that's it, then. Starlight Over Detrot's main story is done. I just finished the Epilogue part 3 and it's headed to the editors.
Chessiecat — Today at 4:40 AM I may do one more chapter, to clarify some things that happen in the future and to give people a bit of additional closure. Haven't decided.
Chessiecat — Today at 4:57 AM
Nine years of my life and 1.4 million words. There will be more stories. That I promise. Just probably not in this particular universe.
[user 1] — Today at 4:57 AM Hardy will forever live on in our bagels
[user 2] — Today at 5:23 AM The end of an era. This story has been an immensely huge part of my life and I'm sad to see it go. But by the stars what an ending it's going to be and I couldn't ask for anything more.
[user 3] — Today at 5:27 AM I was here with Chessie
Friday, March 19, 2021
Who was mentioned in the story?
So there will be a Who's Who label for all named beings mentioned.
I will also have a blog post for them. with searchable labels.
If I have a picture above the text that means I did my best to create them in an awesome thing! Either in a pony or griffin maker!
Under the pic I might have a favorite quote or a note from TV tropes.
I also plan to have which chapter they are seen.
What type of creature they are should be a label, along with if they belong to a faction, and any nicknames, including what I call them in my head.
Under the text will be fan art that I am going to try to post from links instead of downloading them. In this post I am admitting that outside of this crazy little pony NOTHING is mine. Please do not ask me for commissions, unless it is for a computer program. I will be deleting everything asking me for art commissions and not responding to them.
Do you have fan art of somebody? Send me a link/file!
Did you make your own OC from one of the makers mention? Drop it in this comment section!
I might make the crew with this instead... but I dont like that you can't change the size of stuff
So maybe not
If you were born on this date: (AS OF 4/10/2020)
Sunday, March 14, 2021
This blog will go live as soon as Chessie marks it complete.
Back in Aug of COVID I finally agreed to read the other fan fic that my boyfriend was trying to get me to check out. I mean, this is the guy who introduced me to Fallout: Equestria back in April of 2019 which I loved, and he said this one was BETTER! But a noir
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020do you want to read something really long but also really good at creepy psychological horror?
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
there, direct link
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
it's over a million words so it should keep you occupied for a day or two
You sent August 11, 2020
... the pony is hung over
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
You sent August 11, 2020
I am amused
You sent August 11, 2020
And want to get drunk
boyfriend sent August 11, 2020
so, if you haven't watched the show the Alicorns are basically demigods of the universe ... and i make many jokes in the comments about Hardy being the future Alicorn of Justice and Alcoholism
You sent August 11, 2020
... gonna read first
Well, the original idea for Starlight Over Detrot came about in early 2012. CEO_Kasen spent an entire weekend playing L.A. Noire (the video-game) and simultaneously binge-watching all of My Little Pony that was out. I went over to his place and we drank heavily, then as I was leaving he mentioned this idea he'd had for a detective story about a pony in a trench-coat and hat, trying to solve the murder of a mare in a red dress.
I also want to point out that this story is Chessie learning how to write and is her first story.
Also, I want to say that Chessie constantly hinted that the big bad was mentioned ONCE in the first two seasons, and never again.
So lets get into my thoughts on what you see on the first screen.
I'm not putting the picture in this blog. Its at the top of this website and its really hard to miss.
Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale
Noir huh? I honestly didn't know much about the noir genre outside of that charmed episode.
Detrot sounds like a place in Equestria. Starlight just sounds pretty.
Thankfully FimFiction gives you labels for stories so you have an idea of what you are about to read.
I would like to point out that you dont need to like or even know about My Little Pony to enjoy this story.
The summary of the story
Monster attacks. Crime. Illegal hallucinogens made from electric fruit.
This line makes me wonder if this is going to be how the humor is incorporated into the story.
So this takes place 60 years after Season One of MLP.
Hey, if Luna coming back is a spoiler for you... I'm sorry. Maybe you should find a copy of it and watch the first two seasons. Its on Netflix right now except for season nine. (unless you don't care about MLP.)
My boyfriend had the best reaction to that.
But this takes place in the same timeline as Friendship is Magic. Does that mean we will see the Main Six? We do in FoE, so, maybe?
Detective Hard "Hardy" Boiled of the Detrot Police Department
Well, I know enough about Friendship is Magic to know that Hardy is an OC. Is that the grey pony in the picture?
Detrot sounds like a place I don't really want to go to. Also, why Detrot? Other than it sounds like a city that fits in the world that hasn't been mentioned yet. Is it based off of Detroit? I poked Chessie about this. Here is what she said
- It was a great pun. None of the other pony cities had particularly good puns associated with them.
- Detroit was pretty much a shit-hole when we started writing it. IT's improved in recent years.
- It was the one city we could basically guarantee would never make it into the actual cannon of My Little Pony.
the Chief of Police is a scarier entity than most of the eldritch things the city attracts
Okay, now that is just begging for a scary eldritch thing to come to the city.
The grey unicorn who turned up dead outside the posh High Step Hotel seemed like just another case, but her missing horn is the pointy tip of a very large and nasty iceberg. It's up to Hardy and his friends - a rejected monster hunter, a psychic cab driver, and an underground antiques heir - to find out what’s going on in an investigation that promises to stick more than a cupcake into the very eye of Detrot.
So we have the case... A unicorn missing her horn is a bit messed up, which I don't mind. I wonder if Hardy and his friends are the ones in the picture? Hardy is prob the grey pony, the cab driver is prob the one in the taxi, pretty sure the antiques heir is the snobby looking unicorn, so the rejected monster hunter must be the pegasus.
Especially if Hardy has anything to say about it.
Hmm. okay, this is worth reading.
Multiple editors. (who got added on after a while)
Featured on EQD - 5 Stars!
Cover art by MisterMech (
156 freaken chapters, WOW. 1,446,663 words and its NOT done yet!
But the ending is soon, epilogue part one was published yesterday... *blink* yesterday? only yesterday? but... .... >.> okay.
Chapter one was publish Nov 4th, 2012. 9 year ago.
Notices the download button and clicks it... Yeah, the txt is everything so far in one place.
Wants it on kindle!
And then the comment section. 148 pages of every single comment on the story, most resent on top.
I assumed the REMOVED
This is better!
I love it!
There is the last comment I posted. My comment is a little spoilerly so I took out the stuff.
There is a lot of reasons for this actually.
- The story is almost over, it wont kill me to wait a little longer
- I'm reading the story for the first time and really enjoying waiting for every new chapter, I want my first reactions to the new stuff to be based off what I remember from one solid read through.
- Until mid Jan I was on medication, I'm pretty sure it is out of my system now... Or its out enough. Waiting gives me more time to purge.
- When I start this blog, I want to have the ending in mind.
- There are things in the first chapter that you can miss until much later and go, hey! wasn't that mentioned before?
- While I don't plan on calling all of them out... or maybe I'll find a way to make them transparent. I want to be able to spot them.
I'm going to apologize now for messing up my schedule... its bound to happen at least once.
Okay Chessie, its on you. :D Finish the story!
June 12, the day that it was orginally posted
- 1942 Anne Frank gets her diary as a birthday present in Amsterdam
Act 2, Chapter 7: Executor of the Estate
Back in Aug of COVID I finally agreed to read the other fan fic that my boyfriend was trying to get me to check out. I mean, this is the gu...
Chapter 14: Published January 21st 2013 was on a Monday and was in week 04 of 2013. As of this writing it was 3,003 days ago FiM Season 9, ...